Video: Susan’s Garden Seed Selections for 2025

One of my favorite wintertime activities is making seed selections for the coming garden season. I’m talking about both vegetables and flowers because I love them all!
That is the topic for my second video of the 2025 garden season. It’s actually become a bit of a tradition because folks always seem to be interested in what we’ll be growing. We’ve been getting seed catalogs in the mail for a few months now. Oh, how I love perusing the new options!
I plan to shoot at least one video on seed-starting in a couple of weeks. In the past, I’ve done a series of videos on that topic. But this year, I was thinking that a single video that covers seed-starting from start to finish would be helpful. Let’s see if I can accomplish that, LOL, without it being 6 hours long! As you know, I like to keep things short and sweet.
But back to this new video: you’ll notice some of the seed selections are repeats. Why? Well, when you come across a variety that is spectacular, why change? But my husband Bill and I both love trying the new offerings, so there will be plenty of those.
Here’s this week’s video:
Did you know I have a chart on my website called Susan’s Garden – 2025? It’s under the “Guides” menu. I create a new chart every year, partly to share sources for the seeds so be sure to check that out. Would you like to watch more of my videos about vegetable gardening? Here’s a link to a playlist of them on my YouTube channel. You can just scroll through the list and pick and choose what you want to watch. (that’s a great way to get through the rest of the winter!)
I hope you’re having fun picking out what you’ll be growing this year! Next week’s video will be about winter sowing. That’s another great wintertime activity.