Video: Let’s Celebrate 600 Garden Videos!

I’m definitely in a celebratory mood this week because I have shot 600 garden videos! I have to admit it seems crazy that I’ve created so many videos already. But I’ve been shooting them for 10 years, so it doesn’t take long for them to add up.
I first created my YouTube channel way back in 2014. I really wasn’t sure what I was doing or if garden videos would be of interest. They apparently are because I have well over 62,000 subscribers. That is so cool!
The other really cool thing is that I get so many nice comments and questions from folks everywhere. Gardeners are just the nicest people!
Here’s what I discuss in this milestone garden video:
- How the videos first came about
- Why I love shooting videos
- My top 10 most popular videos (you will be amazed at the number of views they’ve had!)
- I share 2 tips on how to search for my garden videos on specific topics. This applies to my YouTube channel and on my website. I don’t think everyone is aware that I index them on my site every week by the topic.
- At the end of the video, I make a request. I would like YOU to tell me which gardening topics you’d like me to cover in 2025. You’ll need to go to this video on my YouTube channel and put your comments under the video. But I really want your feedback so I hope you won’t mind that extra step!
- My other request, if you haven’t done this already, is to please SUBSCRIBE to my channel.
Are you curious about the equipment I use to shoot my garden videos? I have a Canon Vixia HF R70 camcorder and use a RODE Wireless Go II microphone system. If you want to make videos, mics are a must. And, of course, I use a tripod because you really want steady video for folks to enjoy.
As for my routine, I generally shoot one video per week, usually on Monday or Tuesday. Then I edit and release them on Thursday mornings at 3 a.m. PST. (Why so early? Well, I’ve got viewers all over the country so I try to accommodate them with an early post!)
I’d like to thank all of you for watching my garden videos over the years. There are plenty more to come in 2025!