Video: Grand Rapids Gardens

Grand Rapids garden tour
Grand Rapids gardens

I recently returned from the Garden Communicators International conference, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In addition to seminars and presentations, we visited many public and private Grand Rapids gardens. They were so inspiring!

I thought it would be fun to take you along on a tour through a photo slideshow.

Here are the public gardens you’ll see in this video:

I always find it so enjoyable to visit private home gardens because they are great sources for new ideas. As a matter of fact, I’m starting to redesign a planting bed in my own garden. And guess where some of the plant choice ideas came from? Yup, the glorious gardens we visited.

I’m certain I don’t speak just for myself when I say a public “thank you” to the many garden owners. I know it can be scary sharing your garden with others, especially garden communicators! But we all loved what we saw.

This was our first trip to Grand Rapids. What a beautiful city and lovely surroundings. When you see the first few photos in this slideshow, I think you’ll agree. Everyone was very friendly and we had terrific meals at local restaurants.

What were the takeaways from the Grand Rapids gardens we visited? Focus on colors and textures. Create little vignettes in your garden and add sitting areas so you can enjoy them. Add more shrubs, especially ones with colorful foliage or blooms.


This photo was taken in the Japanese garden at Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park.

If you’d like to watch more of my videos, here’s a link to my YouTube channel.