Video: Vegetable Garden Rebound

vegetable garden rebound, onions
vegetable garden rebound, Susan Mulvihill, squash arbor

You might be wondering why this week’s video is entitled Vegetable Garden Rebound. As you know, I’ve been complaining about the crazy temperature extremes during this year’s growing season. Different crops were struggling through it and I was feeling pretty discouraged.

The great news is that the majority of our plants are definitely on the rebound! The pole beans are actually producing pods (what a concept). The winter squash plants on our arbor are thriving. The cantaloupes are looking terrific. And there’s lots more to talk about in the video.

So this is definitely a more uplifting vegetable garden update. And that’s the best kind, right? I’ll also share a few vegetable gardening tips along the way.

Bill and I have been growing a vegetable garden here for 34 years. This year has been so challenging, due to late cold snaps and searing heat. Those conditions really held up fruit-set for tomatoes, beans and even zucchinis. You know it’s bad when you can’t get zucchinis to grow, right? But a vegetable garden rebound is exactly what I was hoping for and we got it!

Here are the crops I’ll be discussing:

  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Melons
  • Beans
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Winter squash
  • plus an update on my GreenStalk Vertical Planters!


If you’d like to watch more of my videos, here’s a link to my YouTube channel. If you’re are especially interested in this year’s videos, here’s a link to my 2024 index. And here is a link to the vegetable varieties I’m growing this year.