Video: Minnesota Gardens

What a treat to tour so many Minnesota gardens! Bill and I traveled to Minneapolis to attend the Garden Communicators International conference. During it, we toured a lot of public and private gardens that were filled with amazing plants and wonderful inspiration.
For the second half of the trip, we visited my side of the family. That was so much fun! Then we did a bit of sightseeing by driving up to Duluth and along the northern shore of Lake Superior.
I’ve been playing catch-up ever since we returned. But my top priority was to organize my photos into a slideshow so you could see for yourself how wonderful Minnesota gardens are. No matter where we go, Bill and I always love to visit other gardens. You can get so many wonderful ideas to put into practice within your own garden, right? Someday, I really should walk through our garden and think where each idea came from!
I hope you’ll enjoy the slideshow!
If you’d like to learn more about the public gardens in and around Minneapolis, check out this link. And if you’d like to watch more of my videos, here’s a link to my YouTube channel.