Column: Friends of Manito Fall Plant Sale

Who loves a plant sale? Well, we gardeners sure do, right? Here in Spokane, we’ve got a fabulous sale coming up, and it’s put on by the dedicated Friends of Manito volunteers. That is the topic of today’s garden column, which you can read below:
by Susan Mulvihill
The Friends of Manito fall plant sale takes place on Saturday, Aug. 26 and features all sorts of fantastic plants for your landscape. There also will be houseplants and garden décor to take home.
Did you know that fall is an excellent time of year for planting perennials and shrubs? The cooler temperatures and increased soil moisture allows their root systems to become established before winter arrives. Here are a few standout perennials worth considering.
Agastache (Hyssop) _ This plant has all the attributes that gardeners are on the lookout for these days: they have a scent, are drought tolerant and deer resistant, and they attract pollinators and hummingbirds. Look for Blue Bayou, Bolero, Royal Raspberry and Sinning. Each of these are hardy down to zone 5 and their heights range from 12 to 36 inches.
Calamagrostis (Feather Reed Grass) _ Karl Foerster and Overdam are ornamental grasses that add texture and height to the garden. As fall approaches, their flower spikes provide a pleasing contrast with the beautiful blue skies we typically enjoy. Both varieties reach heights of 48 to 60 inches, respectively, and they will grow in full sun to part shade. They’re hardy down to zone 4.
Heliopsis (False Sunflower) _ I’ve grown a yellow-flowering Heliopsis in our back garden for years. They are so reliable, easy to grow and provide color well into the fall. The sale features the varieties of Bleeding Hearts, Burning Hearts and Red Shades, which have orange to red daisy flowers. The first two are hardy down to zone 3 and grow up to 48 inches tall. Red Shades is only 24 inches tall and grows in zone 4 and above. All are sun-lovers.
Phlox _ These garden favorites provide non-stop color from early summer to fall. Take a look at the aptly-named Opening Act Ultrapink and Sunset Coral. Both will provide stunning accents in your garden. They will grow in sunny to partly-shady settings, are hardy down to zone 4 and average 32 inches in height.
Those who attend the sale will find plenty of choice plants for shady garden spots. Peruse the astilbes, heucheras with their colorful foliage and choose from 30 varieties of hostas.
There will be an outstanding selection of houseplants at the sale, with many being rare and hard to find. Just a few examples of the offerings include philodendrons, tradescantias, spider plants, pothos, begonias, Persian shield, coleus, false African violets, ferns, variegated string of hearts, cacti and succulents.
Marilynn Ratcliffe is the manager of the poly house for houseplant sales. She collaborates with the manager of Manito Park’s Gaiser Conservatory to get plant cuttings that volunteers grow for the sale.
“When you purchase houseplants from us, you’ll be taking a piece of Manito Park home with you,” she said.
She also told me that they will be selling two Jade plants from the conservatory that are each over 40 years old.
All proceeds from the fall plant sale will support Manito Park improvements. Members of the Friends of Manito will receive 10 percent off their plant purchases; new members can join during the sale.
“The plant sale is a great community event where people who love plants come together in a very short period of time,” plant sale co-chair Gabi Tilley shared. “It’s so much fun.”
Susan Mulvihill is author of “The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook” and “The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook.” She can be reached at Watch Susan’s videos at
The Friends of Manito Fall Plant Sale
When: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26
Where: In the plant sale yard just east of Manito Park’s Gaiser Conservatory, 4 W. 21st Ave.
More information: View the plant sale list on The Friends of Manito website.