Column: Coeur d’Alene Garden Tour Preview

Attention, Spokane and North Idaho gardeners! The Coeur d’Alene Garden Tour takes place next Sunday, July 9, and you definitely will want to go. For my garden column today, I wrote a preview of the tour so you’ll know the specifics.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Kathryn Orr and Collin Lamb. This will give you a sneak preview of what you can expect. Their Post Falls garden is just lovely! There are 7 gardens altogether, located in Hayden, Dalton Gardens, Coeur d’Alene, and Post Falls.
I hope you’ll enjoy my column. Make the time for this wonderful event, which is put on by the Coeur d’Alene Garden Club. All proceeds will benefit local charities and North Idaho College scholarships.
By Susan Mulvihill
Next Sunday (July 9), the Coeur d’Alene Garden Tour will showcase seven lovely North Idaho gardens. The self-guided tour runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be musicians and artisans at each of the stops.
Seven years ago, Kathryn Orr and her husband Collin Lamb moved into their Post Falls home located at 5051 Frazier Drive. The previous owner had decided to go with an English garden style but hadn’t completed it before selling the house.
“I told her I would try to take care of her garden,” Orr shared. “I’m also trying to make it an English garden but a lot of the process is basically trial and error.”
A walk through the Orr/Lamb garden:
While Orr is modest about what she has accomplished so far, the results are stunning. Visitors are greeted by a large arbor covered with a wisteria vine. It frames the entrance to the garden and sets the stage for what they are about to see.
Orr likes to refers to the large bed next to the road as “the south 40.” It is packed with a wonderful array of annuals, perennials and shrubs.
Plant choices:
Roses, petunias, Shasta daisies, annual poppies and rose campion blend together to form a colorful tapestry. The green foliage of hostas, rhododendrons, bergenias and mugo pines provides a restful contrast.
Each year, Orr likes to come up with a new design theme and color scheme. “I try to make sure something is blooming at all times of the year,” she said. “Do I know what all of my plants are? No, I just know what I like.”
Garden challenges:
One of her biggest challenges has been finding colorful flowers that grow well in the shady areas. Their yard is frequently visited by birds, squirrels, ducks and moose. Fortunately, Orr and Lamb enjoy watching them.
She has been frustrated that some plants didn’t make it through this region’s tough winter. One of the losses was a large wisteria vine that has covered a back pergola for years. She is hopeful it will come back from the well-established root system.
Sitting areas:
Visitors will discover charming sitting areas in various parts of the landscape. A small back deck features cobalt blue pots filled with bright annuals. A little farther down the path, there are two bright red chairs. They are backed by huge hanging baskets packed with vibrant trailing petunias.
It is clear the entire garden is lovingly tended. Orr admits that it’s a full-time job but really enjoys the process. Lamb likes to joke that he just digs the holes and does what he’s told. However, he enjoys growing a small vegetable garden. This year, he has planted potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, squash and tomatoes.
They are both looking forward to the day of the tour.
“I love being outdoors, getting my hands in the dirt and watching plants grow and thrive,” Orr said. “I hope visitors will enjoy my jungle, the colors, the flowers, the foliage and the variety of it all.”
Here are the locations of all of the tour gardens:
Kathryn Orr and Collin Lamb, 5051 Frazier Drive, Post Falls
Jeff and Mary Lou Baker, 715 N. Chisholm Ct., Post Falls
Diana and Michael Anson, 1331 N. Glasgow Dr., Post Falls
Connie Larson, 11477 N. Rocking R Rd., Hayden
Mary and Mike Brewer, 7743 N. Valley St., Dalton Gardens
Dr. Kate Kuhlman-Wood and Mr. Wood Community Garden, 521 E. Wallace Ave., Coeur d’Alene
Maggi and Ben Broggel, 521 E. Indiana Ave., Coeur d’Alene
The Coeur d’Alene Garden Club is hosting the tour. All proceeds will benefit local charities and North Idaho College scholarships. For additional information, visit the Coeur d’Alene Garden Club website.
Garden tour ticket sources:
Garden centers and businesses that will be selling the tickets are:
Aspen Nursery, 6075 E. Commerce Loop, Post Falls, (208) 667-7511
Mix-It-Up Gifts, 513 Sherman Ave, Coeur d’Alene, (208) 667-8603
New Leaf Nursery, 12655 N. Government Way, Hayden, (208) 762-4825
Northland Nursery, 8093 W. Prairie Ave, Post Falls, (208) 773-3247
Petal Pushers Nursery, 201 E. 6th Ave, Post Falls, (208) 763-4355
Seright’s Ace Hardware, 1217 N. 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, (208) 667-9466
Vanhoff’s Garden Center, 1844 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, (208) 930-4424
Westwood Gardens, 15825 N. Westwood Dr, Rathdrum, (208) 687-5952
Coeur d’Alene Garden Tour details:
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 9
Details: Seven gardens located in Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Hayden and Dalton Gardens, Idaho. Tour tickets will provide detailed directions to each location and complete descriptions of the gardens. Tickets: $20 when purchased in advance from the garden centers and businesses listed above or online at On the day of the tour, tickets can be purchased for $25 at all of the gardens as well as New Leaf Nursery, Petal Pushers Nursery and Seright’s Ace Hardware in Coeur d’Alene.
Susan Mulvihill is author of “The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook” and “The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook.” She can be reached at Watch this week’s video at