Video: Vegetable Garden Tips

vegetable garden tips, carrots
Purslane can be an annoying weed!

I had a lot of fun shooting this week’s video because I think it will be really helpful. The topic is vegetable garden tips and in it, I cover some particularly important ones.

These include monitoring your garden on a regular basis and why you should keep up with the weeds in your garden. I also discuss thinning seedlings so they have enough space to grow, mulching potatoes, and more.

Why is monitoring your garden one of the important vegetable garden tips? The earlier you spot a problem in your garden, the more options you have to resolve it. You’ll also see when certain crops are ready for harvesting or discover something else equally wonderful.

People always comment on how few weeds we have in our garden. That’s primarily because I pull them as soon as I notice them. By keeping up with the weeds, I have very few weeding sessions. I know how overwhelming that can be.

It’s important to space your plants appropriately so they have enough room to grow. That really does have an impact on how well each crop does. Refer to the information on your seed packet (or plant tag, if you purchased seedlings). Your plants will reward you with great growth and wonderful harvests!

I’ve been gardening for a long time and love to share the vegetable garden tips I’ve learned over the years. It is so exciting to be out in the garden and watching the plants grow!

I hope you’ll enjoy the video:

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