Video: Raised Bed Gardening

If you’ve seen photos of our veggie garden, you know that I’m crazy about raised bed gardening! And that just happens to be the topic of my newest video. Why?
Well, I’m giving an in-person presentation on that very topic here in Spokane next weekend. I recently posted information about the talk on social media. So many folks were disappointed they wouldn’t be able to attend it. That’s because so many of you live elsewhere in the country. I figured a video about the basics of this wonderful technique for growing vegetables would be the next best thing!
Bill and I have gardened in raised beds since the late ’80s. I don’t think we would garden any other way. There are so many benefits, including easier tending and great soil health. It’s amazing how many plants you can squeeze into them, too!
I first learned about this gardening method after reading a book by Peter Chan. The title is “Better Vegetable Gardening the Chinese Way” and it was published in 1977. I had learned about the book from an article in Better Homes & Gardens magazine. There were so many great ideas and helpful tips that I couldn’t wait to get started. Believe it or not, you can still find used copies of the book on Amazon.
Our first foray into raised bed gardening began with mounded soil. That worked so well for a few years. Then we decided to switch to wood-framed raised beds. And the rest is history.
I hope you’ll find all of the information helpful.