Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium

Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium, showy milkweed

If you haven’t heard of the Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium, you are in for a treat! This annual event is put on by the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County. It will be virtual again this year so you can reap the benefits of it no matter where you live!

This year’s theme is “Sustainable & Resilient Gardens,” which is something we all need to learn more about, right?

The event begins with a keynote presentation, “The New Garden Ethic,” by Benjamin Vogt. He is the author of “Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design as well as A New Garden Ethic: Cultivating Defiant Compassion for an Uncertain Future.” That talk will air on March 18 and will be available until April 20.

Included in the symposium are 9 timely and informative presentations. I am delighted to be one of the presenters this year! You can watch all of the presentations at your convenience, between March 20 to May 31. Here is the line-up for the Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium:

Organic Control of Vegetable Garden Insect Pests” by Susan Mulvihill.

Gardening Without Peat,” by Brian E. Jackson.

The Microbiome of Soil Health” by Nathaniel Stacey.

Firewise Gardening” by Ben Peterson.

Waterwise Landscaping” by Kris Moberg-Hendron and Kyle Merritt.

Pollinator Pathways” by Sherrie Villmark.

Growing Resident Food Forests” by Gloria Jean Baca.

Changing Climate and Changing Gardening” by Pat Munts.

Paradox in the Garden: Do Science and Art Collide or Collude?” by Robin O’Quinn.