Video: Susan’s Snowy Garden

We’ve been having some wild, wintry weather since early November and it technically isn’t even winter yet! That got me to thinking about how beautiful the snow is. I grew up in Southern California so the “white stuff” has been a bit of a novelty for me. While some residents grumble about the snow, we are like little kids!
For this week’s video, I decided to put together a slideshow of our snowy garden over the years. But there’s something different about this video which I hope you’ll enjoy: the music.
I have been a classical pianist for a very long time. Recently, I posted on Facebook that my Steinway baby grand piano had just turned 100 years old. How cool is that? I didn’t realize that folks would be so interested in this part of my life. The nice comments were overwhelming in the best possible way!
A lot of folks asked me to play something for them, so I posted a short video. Everyone was very appreciative. As a result, Bill suggested that I record the soundtrack to go along with this video. Because of the subject matter and time of year, I thought a Bach Prelude in C major would be appropriate. I hope you’ll enjoy both the photos and the music! Bach and a snowy garden are the perfect pairing, right?
And, I should add, I intend to do this sort of thing every so often because it’s a lot of fun. If you’re wondering where we live, we’re on Spokane, Washington.