Video: Plants That Feed Birds in Winter

It’s time for my next video and this one is especially important. That’s because it’s about the types of plants we’re growing to feed birds in winter. We live in Spokane, Wash. which is hardiness zone 5b. That means we get some mighty cold and long winters.
Since Bill and I love watching the birds that visit us throughout the year, we decided a long time ago that our landscape should help them out. In this video, I discuss the trees and shrubs that we’re growing which provide berries for the birds. And I also share the types of annuals and perennials that produce wonderful seedheads for our feathered friends.
There is one other thing that I mentioned in the video but want to underscore here. I always leave the seedheads in place for the fall and winter months for that very reason. I know, it’s nice to have everything all tidied up when fall gets here. But I figure it’s more important to provide birds with great nutrition at a time when food is difficult to find. So that’s something to keep in mind.
I hope you’ll enjoy the video! (and look for the two bonus videos underneath this one)
I thought you might also enjoy watching two other short bird videos that I shot a few years ago. In the first one, you’ll see goldfinches and pine siskins nibbling on the seeds of black-eyed Susans and bee balm. The second one shows the gorgeous Bohemian waxwings feeding in our yard. This is why I plant to feed birds in winter!