Video: Make Pickled Onions!

pickled onions, Red of Florence onions
pickled onions
So pretty!

Did you grow onions in your garden this year? We really went overboard on growing them and now we have one more tasty way to use them: we make pickled onions! And they are irresistible.

Now, I have to give full credit to my awesome spouse, Bill. He is the one who thought of doing something like this a couple of weeks ago. I was a bit skeptical but as soon as I tasted the ones he made, I was hooked.

I’m so glad we grew a lot of red onions called ‘Red of Florence’ because they make the most gorgeous pickled onions. I mean, check out the photo to left! Wow. I was thinking these would make fun gifts for the best of friends but Bill thinks that’s a weird gift. I don’t, LOL!

If you’re in the market for some ‘Red of Florence’ onion seeds, here’s a link to them on Botanical Interests’ website.

Also, if you’re intrigued with the idea of pickling some foods, you might be interested in checking out the pickling page on the National Center for Home Food Preservation’s website.

Here is my video that details the steps for pickled onions. As you will soon see, they are super quick and easy to make:

Let me know how you like the recipe: just drop me a note at