Spring Gardening Classes

For the past year, the events calendar on this website has been looking pretty pathetic. That’s because nearly every event has had to be canceled, courtesy of the pandemic. Well, things are looking up because there’s a great line-up of Spring Gardening Classes that will be put on by the Spokane County Master Gardeners! Hooray!
Each class will be held virtually, meaning you can attend them no matter where you live. How cool is that? And each one costs just $5, which is certainly affordable. That money will help support the Spokane County Master Gardener program. The classes will be live and take place from 6 to 7 p.m. (Pacific Time).
I’ve included a line-up of the classes below, each with links to additional information plus the ability to sign up. You’ll notice that some of the classes are specifically tailored to gardening in the Inland Northwest (Eastern Washington and North Idaho), where USDA hardiness zones range from 5 to 6. So if you live in a similar hardiness zone, some of these classes should be applicable to you as well.
I should also point out that I’ll be teaching the class on Raised Bed Gardening on Feb. 25th. I’m totally sold on this method for growing vegetables and I absolutely LOVE teaching this class! Ordinarily, I teach a 3-hour version that goes beyond the basics of raised bed gardening and expands into growing vegetables in raised beds. But this 1-hour class will give you the information you need in order to create a raised bed garden and be successful!
- Feb. 16 _ Beginning Gardening – Growing conditions in the Inland Northwest
- Feb. 18 _ Steps to Creating a Home Garden
- Feb. 23 _ Soil in the Inland Northwest
- Feb. 25 _ Raised Bed Gardening
- Mar. 2 _ Season Extension
- Mar. 4 _ Soil Testing
- Mar. 9 _ Growing Veggies in the Inland Northwest
- Mar. 11 _ Seed Starting
- Mar. 16 _ Gardening with Flowers
- Mar. 18 _ Perennials in the Inland Northwest
- Mar. 23 _ Annuals and Biennials in the Inland Northwest
- Mar. 25 _ Insects in the Garden
For more information, you can contact Anna Kestell by phone at (509) 477-2195 or by email at akestell@spokanecounty.org.
I hope you can join us for many of these classes. All of the information so useful and it’s a great way to actually participate in garden events while staying at home.