Video: Winter Sowing Method

It’s so nice that we can be talking about planting seeds again, isn’t it? If you’re thinking, “but it’s way too early!,” I’m talking about the winter sowing method. That’s involves planting seeds in containers and putting them outside. Then the seeds germinate when the time is right. And that is the topic of my newest video.
I tried the winter sowing method for the very first time last winter. Here I am in Spokane, Wash. In theory, it’s zone 6 but my garden is in a microclimate so it’s actually zone 5b. Our last frost is typically in mid-May. I know that sounds way too early to be planting. And especially when you’re going to move those containers out into wintry conditions!
But this method works. The seeds germinate at the correct time rather than waiting on us to remember to plant them, you don’t have to worry about damping-off syndrome because the seedlings have good air circulation, and the plants harden-off all by themselves, so you can plant them into your garden when conditions allow.
I hope you’ll enjoy this video. To be honest, I was feeling pretty frustrated when I shot it because there was a horrid windstorm going on at the time which meant I needed to do the video indoors. And it was so sunny outside that it was hard to get the right lighting inside! Sheesh. Just keeping it real here. But everything you need to know is in the video and I’m hoping that you’ll try this unusual method for starting seeds.
One other thing: in the video, I mentioned that you can get ideas of which seeds are good to start with the winter sowing method. The website I referred to doesn’t exist any more. If I find another site with helpful lists, I’ll let you know.
If you’d like to watch more of my gardening videos, here’s a link to my YouTube channel.