Video: Grow Microgreens

Do you know how to grow microgreens? Or, perhaps I should ask first, do you know what microgreens are?
Both are the topic of my newest video, which you can view below. To grow microgreens, you thickly sow seeds (usually vegetable or herb seeds) and harvest the young seedlings when they’re quite young. What’s the point? The goal is to take advantage of how nutritious these young seedlings are. According to research, microgreens are anywhere from 4 to 40 times more nutritious than the mature form of the same plant.
I like to grow microgreens during the winter months because we do love our salads! During the regular growing season, I’m always picking and freezing certain veggies (i.e., beans, peas, spinach, Swiss chard, shredded zucchini), storing root crops and winter squash, and canning things like jam, jelly, tomato sauce, and salsa. But I would miss the fresh greens if it weren’t for growing microgreens. I should also mention that we also grow spinach, corn salad, and kale most winters but I didn’t go a very good job of getting those in the ground early enough for them to grow and produce well since I was preoccupied with my book project.
Microgreens to the rescue! They don’t really require any forethought other than purchasing some seeds (I like to buy them in bulk) and gathering a few seed-starting supplies. In my video, I’ll show you exactly how to grow them and you’ll also discover something rather surprising about a method I tried. Enjoy!