Video: October Garden Tasks

As you know, I’m on my annual break from writing garden columns. But I’m continuing to shoot a new video each week and also will be blogging during the week as time permits. My newest video is about garden tasks to tackle in October… at least in my zone 5b garden, that is. For all I know, you’re enjoying deliciously sunny days in your locale!
We’re getting the double whammy, though: instead of just having to deal with the usual end-of-the-season projects, I had added garden tasks to deal with. A few days ago, we started hearing about a big change in the weather coming our way: lows in the teens and 20s, and a snowstorm to boot! You know how weather forecasters are often wrong? Well, unfortunately they’ve been right on everything this time. Darn. (you’ll see more of the weather in my next video)
That meant I needed to harvest celery and lettuce, bring ceramic pots and yard art indoors, take rosemary cuttings, plant a few bulbs, make preparations to (hopefully) keep pocket gophers and meadow voles out of my front perennial bed, and so on. So that’s what you’ll be seeing in this video. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
I hope your garden tasks and projects are coming along well. For my next video, I’ll harvest the leeks, potatoes, and other root crops (carrots, parsnips, and rutabagas) and show you how we store everything through the winter months.
Remember that I have all sorts of other helpful gardening videos on my YouTube channel. Have a great week!