May 17 Column: Grow an Herb Garden

It has been so gratifying to witness the surge of interest in growing a vegetable garden this year. This is truly the bright spot in this COVID-19 situation. But along with those veggies, why not also grow an herb garden? That’s the topic for my garden column today. Here’s a link to it in The Spokesman-Review: Spice up your garden with culinary herbs. (or you can read it lower in this post)
In it, I discuss the most popular culinary herbs you can grow and include some tips you might not know about.
Why grow an herb garden?
I think herbs add so much to the dishes we prepare and feel it’s important that herbs be planted where they are quickly accessible. So right outside your front or back door is ideal, or in containers. But planting them within your veggie garden works great, too.
Many herbs are perennial, meaning they’ll come back every year. If you grow some of them and are planting them within your veggie beds, remember that you’ll want to leave them in place at the end of the season and plant around them in future years. Some herbs an annuals so this won’t be an issue with them… not that it’s necessarily a problem!
No matter what, I hope today’s column will encourage you to grow your own herb garden. It’s quite easy to find plants at garden centers these days so keep an eye out for them.
If you’re curious, the photo at the very top of this post is of cilantro. And the photo above is of a dill flower head.
In this week’s “Everyone Can Grow a Garden” video, I finally planted my tomato seedlings. And if you’re wondering, the photo below is of ‘Chef’s Choice Orange’ tomatoes, my very favorites for tomato sandwiches! Hope you enjoy the video:
Garden column on growing an herb garden:
Culinary herbs are the easiest edible plants you can grow. With no insect or disease problems to speak of, they are a breeze to care for. Herbs add such a flavorful dimension to all kinds of dishes. If you plant them right outside your door, they’ll become an integral part of your cooking.
Recommended plants for your herb garden
The following herbs grow beautifully in the Inland Northwest. Some will come back year after year while others must be planted annually:
BASIL (Ocimum bacilicum)_ This annual herb is delicious on pizzas and in homemade pesto. Basil doesn’t like chilly conditions so wait until late May to sow the seeds. Plant them 1/4-inch deep and thin seedlings 8 inches apart. Any time the plants develop flower buds, pinch them off so they will continue to grow leaves.
CHIVES (Allium schoenoprasum) _ A perennial herb, chives have multiple onion-like leaves and attractive pink blossoms that are a huge hit with pollinators. Sow seeds directly in the garden or purchase a seedling or two from a garden center. Wait 60 days before harvesting from plants sown from seed, or 30 days after transplanting a nursery-grown seedling in your garden. Space plants 8 inches apart in the garden.
CILANTRO (Coriandrum sativum) _ This annual herb is most commonly used in tomato salsas and Asian-inspired dishes. The foliage of this plant is referred to as cilantro and the seeds (which are edible) are called coriander. Since seedlings don’t transplant well, sow seeds directly in your garden. If you plan to add cilantro to your homemade salsa, plant seeds about 50 days before you expect ripe tomatoes. That way, the cilantro leaves will be at their peak at the same time. Keep plants well-watered throughout the season to avoid stressing them, which causes them to bolt to seed prematurely.
DILL (Anethum graveolens) _ Dill is an easy-to-grow annual herb that also attracts pollinators. You will likely only need a few plants. Direct-sow seeds 1/4-inch deep about 2 inches apart, with an eventual spacing of 6 inches. Keep the plants well-watered. Snip leaves as needed and, after the plants bloom, dry the seeds to use as seasoning and for next year’s garden.
MINT (Mentha) _ While fresh mint is tasty, be aware that members of the mint family have the potential to take over your garden. Confine them to a container and they’ll behave themselves. Mint is a perennial herb. If you are interested in growing a few different types, a single plant of each should meet your needs.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare) _ Also a member of the mint family, oregano is a perennial herb that will spread throughout your garden so plant it in a container. Space plants about 10 inches apart.
PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum) _ Parsley is a biennial which means it has a two-year lifespan. The first year, it establishes a root system and produces some foliage; the next year, it continues to grow, then blooms, sets seed and dies. Most gardeners purchase seedlings instead of starting them from seed. Harvest outer sprigs of parsley as needed so the plant will continue to grow.
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) _ Rosemary won’t survive our winters but is well worth growing. You should only need a single plant of this highly aromatic herb. In early fall, transplant your rosemary into a container and bring it indoors before the temperatures really start to drop. Another simpler option is to take cuttings from the plant, put them in water indoors and let them take root. Once the cuttings have a nice root system, transplant them into containers filled with potting soil and keep them under lights or on a sunny windowsill. In the spring after the danger of frost has passed, plant them in the garden.
SAGE (Salvia officinalis) _ A perennial herb, sage is often used for seasoning poultry, winter squash, soup, ravioli and casseroles. One plant will likely suffice so consider picking up one from a garden center.
TARRAGON (Artemisia dracunculus) _ Tarragon is a perennial herb that grows in zones 4 to 9. A single plant should provide you with enough to meet your needs. The leaves have an interesting licorice flavor and are primarily used for savory dishes. The plants reach about 3 feet in height and cannot be grown from seed so look for starts at garden centers. The plants are deciduous which means the leaves will drop off during the fall and winter months. Trim back the plant in the spring to make room for new foliage to grow.THYME (Thymus vulgaris) _ Another perennial herb, thyme is evergreen so it will hold onto its leaves in winter. Most herb gardeners find they only require a plant or two for their culinary needs. Let them become established before harvesting sprigs of leaves.