How to Make a Garden Scarecrow

And now for something completely different! Bill and I recently decided to build a garden scarecrow. Why? It’s primarily for the purpose of scaring the quail away from some of our vegetable crops. But it’s also there to add a bit of whimsy.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know we are birdwatchers and bird-lovers. We do love the California quail in our garden, but they are trouble-makers, too. They nibble on freshly-sprouted seeds. They rip leaves off our lettuce plants. And much, much more. Hence, this project.
How do you like “Digby”? Making a garden scarecrow was so easy and inexpensive. We also had a lot of fun figuring out how to pull it all together. That’s the topic of this week’s “bonus” video:
Well, what do you think? Are you interested in building your own? We are thinking of making one more. It would be a gal probably in a long skirt, which would blow around in the wind a bit. We figure that might scare the birds more.
Speaking of which, I’m not sure if the quail are scared of Digby or not, but I sure hope so! During berry season, we will definitely move him next to our raspberry and blackberry beds.
No matter what the outcome, it was a fun project that we thought you’d get a kick out of. I’m anxious to hear your comments!
I’ve got all sorts of helpful garden videos on my YouTube channel. Be sure to check them out!