July 29 Column: Grow a Winter Garden

Even though I garden in zone 5, I have learned how to garden through the winter months. And that’s without the use of supplemental heat! Yes, this really is possible. You can learn how I do this in today’s garden column about growing a winter garden. Here’s a link to it in The Spokesman-Review: Choose the right crops and covers for year-round gardening. (or you can read my column lower in this post)
In both my column and video, I mention some crops that you might not have heard of before. I learned about them while reading Eliot Coleman’s excellent book, The Winter Harvest Handbook. I was impressed by his comments about trying new things. He mentioned how these unusual salad greens add so much taste and texture to their meals. It is my hope that you will try new greens, too… in addition to some you’ve grown in the past.
For example, the plants in the above photo are corn salad (mache).They are delicious and seem indestructible, no matter how cold the temperatures get.
Another great crop that I grow every year is ‘Vates’ kale. I had read that it performed exceptionally in field trials of cold-tolerant vegetables. So it has been my go-to variety for our winter garden.
If you aren’t crazy about kale, I found a recipe for it that is wonderful. Remove the center stems, lightly chop up the leaves and parboil them for 5 minutes. That just means boiling them in water, in case you aren’t familiar with that term). Then you scoop them out, drain them and set them aside. In the meantime, saute some garlic in a skillet, then add the kale to it. Drizzle some sesame oil over it and oh my, that is tasty!
If you’d like to see what my first winter garden set-up was, that’s in the photo to the left. It involved hoops and floating row cover. I eventually added a sheet of plastic on top when the temperatures really started to drop.
Of course, now we use our hoop house, which has worked really well for us. You can learn more about it in this blog post. It which includes the materials we used and even a video on the construction of it.
Here is this week’s “Everyone Can Grow A Garden” video:
Garden column: Growing a Winter Garden
By Susan Mulvihill
Over the years, I’ve let the seasons dictate when I grew a garden. I’d begin in early spring and put it to bed when the frosts arrived in the fall.
In 2014, my routine changed after reading Eliot Coleman’s book, “The Winter Harvest Handbook” (Chelsea Green Publishing, 248 pp., $29.95). In it, I learned that it’s possible to garden 12 months of the year — outside and without using supplemental heat. Coleman underscores the importance of selecting cold-hardy vegetables. This includes some greens I’d never grown before, and using covers to keep the plants warm enough.
Four years ago, my husband and I built a hoop house, which is a plastic-covered greenhouse. It fits over two of our raised beds and works great for this purpose.
It’s still possible to be successful with a much simpler set-up. Some sturdy hoops, a sheet of floating row cover and a sheet of clear plastic are all that’s required. The hoops need to be strong enough to support a snow load. If we hadn’t built the hoop house, we would have fashioned hoops from black plastic sprinkler pipe or electrical conduit.
It’s probably hard to think about cold weather when it’s so hot outside, right? But this is the time of year to start seeds. That’s because it’s crucial that plants form a good root system before the temperatures drop in the fall.
The crops I’ve had the best luck with include kale (Vates or Winterbor), corn salad (mache), miner’s lettuce (claytonia), lettuce (Speckled Trout or red romaine), and spinach (Matador, which is exceptionally cold-tolerant).
Of those, the kale, spinach and lettuce should be started indoors now and transplanted to the winter garden bed once they have a few true (mature) leaves. The corn salad and miner’s lettuce can be direct-sown in the bed as they don’t like their roots disturbed.
Put the hoops in place across your winter garden bed, spaced about two feet apart for the length of the bed.
When the frosts start, cover the bed with a sheet of row cover for a few degrees of frost protection. This lightweight fabric allows sunlight and moisture to go through it, and it can be found in large garden centers or online.
Once the weather gets colder, add a sheet of plastic over the row cover to provide extra warmth. If the weather temporarily warms up, be prepared to open an end of the plastic so the plants won’t fry. Keep an eye on the soil moisture in the early days as well; once the temperatures remain chilly, the condensation inside the plastic tunnel will drip down and water the plants for you.
I’ve occasionally had to deal with slugs which you’d think would die during our winters; unfortunately, they don’t. There are organic slug baits available or you can make beer traps. This involves sinking empty tuna or cat food cans into the soil — with their rims at the soil surface — and pouring an inch of beer into the cans. Attracted to the smell of the yeast, slugs come to investigate, fall in and drown. Another option is to occasionally go out to the garden at night, armed with a flashlight, to look for slugs and eliminate them.
Other than being observant for such things, you will quickly find that the only work involved in growing a winter garden is to harvest and enjoy your fresh salad greens.