Apr. 23 Column: Garden Fair & Plant Sale

Next Saturday, Apr. 29, 2017, the Spokane County Master Gardeners will hold their annual Garden Fair & Plant Sale. That’s the topic of my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review. Here’s a link to it: Get plants, advice at garden fair.
The Garden Fair & Plant Sale will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and be held in and around the Spokane County Extension building, 222 N. Havana St. That’s located just south of the fairgrounds and Spokane Indians’ ballpark.
This free event is always great fun and you wouldn’t believe the plant selection this year! Many of the plants have come from the Master Gardeners’ own gardens. The plant clinic will be open, giving you the opportunity to ask your gardening questions. There will be native plants, herbs and vegetable plants for sale, as well as a vendor marketplace and many information booths on various gardening topics. All proceeds from this event will help support your Spokane County Master Gardener program.
I’ll be working in the vegetable plant booth inside the building. Be sure to stop by and say hi!
And now for this week’s “Everyone Can Grow A Garden!” video. This time, I’m planting potatoes and lettuce. Oh, and I have something funny to point out: when I’m planting the potatoes, you’ll notice what looks like a grassy weed growing outside the right front corner of the raised bed. Actually, it’s a chive plant that has chosen to grow there for the past few years! And isn’t it handy to have a chive plant nearby so I can put chives on my future baked potatoes?