California Quail papa and babies

On Thursday evening, we had quite the downpour. While we were tickled to get the moisture, it’s not such great news for baby California quail. They have very little protection from the elements when they’re little, so they have to rely on their parents to keep them warm.

While eating my breakfast yesterday, I glanced out the sliding glass door and noticed a male California standing kind of funny in a garden pathway. As I studied it more closely, I realized there were little legs and feet showing underneath him! Cool! I immediately knew that meant he had some young chicks under him that he was keeping warm.

I grabbed my video camera and tripod and was able to get the following video, which truly made my day! I hope you’ll enjoy it.

Now this wasn’t the first time I’ve seen this type of behavior but it’s the first time I’ve been able to capture it on video. You might recall one of my blog posts in which I shared my favorite bird photo, and the story behind it. The photo below is that very one! Here’s a link to the post so you can learn more about what had taken place that day. (remember that you can click on the photo to view a larger image)

California quail

I hope you enjoy both the photo and video!