Garden birds: Bohemian Waxwings

Bohemian Waxwings

We had a pleasant surprise yesterday. A huge flock of Bohemian Waxwings paid us a visit — or more specifically, came to dine on the berries of our American Cranberry Bush (Viburnum trilobum).

Usually, we tend to see Cedar Waxwings from time to time but the Bohemians come less frequently. And they are so brightly feathered that I have to admit they’re even more of a thrill to see. (sorry, Cedar Waxwings) If you click on the photo above, you will see a much larger image.

Bohemians have a body that is a little over 8 inches long and a wingspan of 14 inches. When I look at them, it’s hard to believe they only weigh two ounces.

In addition to the American Cranberry Bush fruits, they also enjoy feasting on the last of our crabapples. I have a feeling they’ve been fermenting over the winter so that should make for some interesting bird watching!

Did you know that I have a special section on my website devoted to birds? Here’s a link to it.