How would you like to grow rutabagas? The attractive plants produce flavorful roots. Find the details below. Latin Name: Brassica napus Plant Family: Brassica (Brassicaceae) […]
A Note from Susan
Dec. 27, 2024 _ Hello, everybody! I hope you have been enjoying the holiday season so far. We didn’t get any snow but I’m sure it will be a regular occurrence starting in January.
You’re looking at a photo of the rosemary and sage cuttings I’m growing indoors over the winter. The rosemary plants outdoors won’t make it through our winter so I rooted them indoors and they’re doing great.
I’m currently taking a 2-week break from shooting garden videos but I do have a new blog post that you will want to check out. It’s all about growing onions and shallots, which is something my husband Bill really excels at. Here’s a direct link to my blog post. I hope you’ll find it interesting.
Remember to check out my Amazon store for the gardening products I use and am happy to recommend. It also includes my books, other garden books that I think are awesome, seed-starting equipment, organic products and those all important gardener’s must-haves! I receive a small commission from sales but that won’t impact the price you pay. If you have any questions about the products, just drop me a note at
Do you have my book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook, yet? After all, the 2025 garden season will be here before you know it! My book covers exactly what you need to know to be a successful gardener. I address weather-related issues, vegetable disorders and diseases, germination and pollination problems, critters in the garden and much more. To order a signed copy from me, just send an email to the above address and I’ll take care of you quickly. If you would prefer to order it directly from Amazon, here is my affiliate link. (I will earn a commission but it won’t affect the price you pay.) Or you can purchase it in my Amazon shop at the link above. Thank you for supporting your friendly author!