A Note from Susan

peppersHello, gardening friends!

Sept. 12, 2024 _ Well, well, well! Our blazingly-hot summer seems to be coming to an end. I have mixed emotions about that, as you can imagine. It’s been a bit stormy and the cooler temperatures are most welcome.

At this point, Bill and I are anxiously waiting for some of the crops to finish ripening so we can harvest and store (or process) them. Tomatoes are the primarily stragglers although the winter squash have a long ways to go as well.

As I mentioned last week, we recently returned from a conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. During it, we visited wonderful public and private gardens. They were so great that I put together a video slideshow for you to enjoy. Here’s a link to it on my YouTube channel.

I hope you are taking notes on how your gardens performed this season. There are probably a few things you want to do differently next year and the best way to remember them is by writing them down!

What kind of gardening challenges did you encounter this season? Consider purchasing a copy of my book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook because it covers exactly what you need to know to be a successful gardener. In it, I address weather-related issues (including heat and drought), vegetable disorders and diseases, germination and pollination problems, dealing with all sorts of critters in the garden and so much more. To order a signed copy from me, just send an email to Susan@SusansintheGarden.com and I’ll take care of you quickly. If you would prefer to order it directly from Amazon, here is my affiliate link to it. Thank you for supporting your friendly author!

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Grand Rapids garden tour

Video: Grand Rapids Gardens

I recently returned from the Garden Communicators International conference, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In addition to seminars and presentations, we visited many public and […]