A Note from Susan

Hello, gardening friends!

Sept. 17, 2024 _ Here in Spokane, Wash., we’re enjoying some delightful weather. Not too hot, not too cold — so no complaints from me! Now it’s a bit of a race to see how many crops will ripen before a frost comes… although there aren’t any in the forecast yet.

On Saturday, Bill and I made a big batch of tomato sauce. And yesterday, we teamed up to make a bunch of mild salsa (I’m a spice wimp). In a few days, we’ll make some “blazingly-hot” salsa, as Bill likes to call it! I’m hoping we’ll have enough tomatoes to make some homemade ketchup as well because it is so delicious.

I plan to create this year’s “Vegetable Garden Report Card” in a couple of weeks. Every year, I rate the performance of all of the varieties of crops we grew. So many of you have said how helpful it is, so I’m continuing with my fall tradition. I’ll announce when it’s available, and it’ll be under the “Guides” menu on this website. Stay tuned, and be sure to jot down some notes about how your garden performed this year because that information will be so helpful to you when planning your 2025 garden.

What kind of gardening challenges did you encounter this season? Consider purchasing a copy of my book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook because it covers exactly what you need to know to be a successful gardener. In it, I address weather-related issues (including heat and drought), vegetable disorders and diseases, germination and pollination problems, dealing with all sorts of critters in the garden and so much more. To order a signed copy from me, just send an email to Susan@SusansintheGarden.com and I’ll take care of you quickly. If you would prefer to order it directly from Amazon, here is my affiliate link to it. Thank you for supporting your friendly author!

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tomato problems

Tomato Problems

This year has been a real challenge for gardeners everywhere. Primarily, the problem has been the weather extremes, which have caused some tomato problems that […]